News  |  August 21, 2023

Agriscience Teachers Attend CASE Professional Development Institute Hosted by AgCentric

Staples, Minn (August 21, 2023) – AgCentric hosted a Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) professional development institute the last week of July at Central Lakes College-Staples Campus to teach the Ag Equipment Maintenance and Technology CASE curriculum.

CASE is an instructional system that is changing the culture of agriculture programs in the United States through teacher professional development; inquiry-based, student-focused lessons; assessment; and certification. Teachers use the curriculum to elevate student experiences in the agriculture classroom and prepare students for success in college and careers emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). CASE is an initiative of The National Council for Agricultural Education.

During the CASE Institute, participants spent 100 hours working through nearly every lesson in the year-long curriculum and learning how to deliver lessons in an inquiry-based way that will shift focus in the classroom from teacher-led to student-directed learning.

Eleven participants from eight states (MN, IA, ND, SD, KS, OR, CA, WA) were in-person during the week of July 24-28 on the Central Lakes College-Staples Campus and did virtual learning days via Zoom from July 31-August 2.

For more information about CASE, visit

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