OLRC is a collaboration between the Minnesota State Career and Technical Education office, the eight Minnesota State Centers of Excellence, and the Minnesota Department of Education.
Welcome to the Minnesota State Career and Technical Education Online Learning Resource Center (OLRC), a consolidated source of instructional materials to help secondary and post-secondary educators adapt to the need for ongoing remote or blended instruction. The resources in OLRC have been curated by educators and are free for educators to browse and use. Curation was performed using a selection criteria rubric, and content in OLRC is monitored and updated regularly to ensure its relevance and usefulness.
Neither Minnesota State nor the Minnesota Department of Education endorses or promotes any of the resources in OLRC.
Online Learning Instructional Content for Secondary Educators
Virtual Classroom Support from MAAE – resources from the Minnesota Association of Agriculture Educators.
Explore Engineering Resources – explore engineering with activities and resources from the Minnesota State Center of Excellence.
Spin the Wheel to Find your Agriculture Pathway – an interactive wheel listing all of agriculture related post-secondary programs within the Minnesota State System.
Animal Science Curriculum – STEM on the Farm – lesson plans and teacher guides are included to teach students about animal genetics.
Biotechnology Curriculum – explore how biotechnology plays a part in agriculture.
Agronomy Curriculum – students can learn about corn and growing degree days and other lessons.
Agriculture curriculum and activities – a wide variety of agriculture curriculum categorized by topic area from Ag Ed Net. A free trial is offered then a subscription is requested.
Dairy Animal Curriculum – videos and lesson plans dairy farms, dairy food and dairy cows!
Career Exploration Videos – a collection of videos on the importance and variety of careers within agriculture compiled by AgCentric.
Minnesota Ag in the Classroom – resources and information about agriculture in Minnesota.
Minnesota Department of Education updates – the latest updates on COVID restrictions related to Minnesota schools.
AgExplorer – the National FFA agriculture career exploration tool.
Sustainable Agriculture Lesson Plans – sustainable agriculture lesson plans and power points.
Study Guide to the book “The Man Who Fed The World” – the teacher’s guide to the biography of Norman Borlaug.
Agriculture related curriculum – a listing of other resources to lesson plans and activities for virtual learning; topics include beef, poultry, dairy, wheat, corn, soybeans and STEM activities related to agriculture.
Mike Rowe Works- S.W.E.A.T Pledge – videos from Mike Rowe on technical careers.
Online Learning Pedagogy and Technologies for Educators