News  |  November 22, 2021

New AFNR Career Website


Contact: Judy Barka, [email protected]

The Best AFNR Website ever!

Agricultural Centers of Excellence offer new career exploration tool on Minnesota State Website

Minnesota Statewide – The Minnesota State Centers of Excellence interact with students and job seekers, bringing the message of AFNR (Agriculture, Food and Natural Resouces) and related careers are wider in scope than one might think. AFNR careers are not just crop production or working with animals, rather, it is a career in marketing, technology, human resources, engineering, mechanics, law enforcement, logistics, finance, banking, medicine, physics, teaching, ecology and the list goes on and on. With the help of the new career exploration webpage, the Centers can easily illustrate the career opportunities and debunk the myths that surround a career in AFNR.

The career exploration webpage can be found at

 The site is designed to jumpstart an individual’s career exploration and provide information about AFNR college and career planning. The unique features of this site include:

  • Career Pathway Search – The first section on the webpage that allows the user to familiarize themselves with AFNR career opportunities and businesses.
  • Short AFNR Career Videos – These videos were designed to bring real-life careers to the user.
  • What Can I Do With This Major? – A tool designed to take the guess work out of the college to career transition.
  • Reality Check Tool – A fun and interactive tool to find out if one’s educational and career goals match a desired lifestyle.
  • Career Planning Worksheets – A place to jot down SMART goals for a college and career plan.

The Minnesota State Agricultural Centers of Excellence have teamed up with Minnesota State’s web design team to develop and launch a one-of-a-kind, highly interactive Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) career pathway exploration webpage. With an extremely concerning talent shortage across all industries, especially in the AFNR industry and no immediate sign of improvement, the Centers knew they needed to help the industry overcome this challenge. The new webpage emphasizes AFNR career opportunities and educational programs to prepare for those careers to recruit talent and inspire the next generation of workers.

About the Agricultural Centers of Excellence: The Agricultural Centers of Excellence is an advocate for agriculture and promote Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) pathways by engaging individuals in an educational conversation about AFNR career opportunities. We establish partnerships between educational institutions and the agricultural industry to work toward closing the AFNR workforce gap. Additionally, we support our post-secondary institutions and the Farm Business Management program through professional development, outreach, and recruitment.


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