LCCMR Hemp & Cover Crops

Establishing industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) as an oilseed grain crop has potential to improve surface and ground water quality and restore soil integrity within the conventional crop rotation systems that are major environmental concern in Minnesota. Deep rooted hemp has the potential to scavenge, prevent runoff and reduce leaching of agricultural nutrient inputs, especially nitrogen, while further contributing organic matter to the soil horizon.

This project will test the effectiveness of hemp grain crops to scavenge excess nitrogen and prevent leaching in crop rotation systems. In parallel, it aims to demonstrate on a production scale how the incorporation of hemp grain into conventional crop rotation systems can achieve desired water quality and soil health outcomes. Finally, the project will communicate the viable economic potential of hemp oilseed/grain cropping as discovered, refined and facilitated by market pathway and supply-chain development analyses.

University of Minnesota

Agricultural Utilization Research Institute

United State Department of Agriculture

Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund

Central Lakes College Ag & Energy Center

Central Lakes College

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